International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

2021-04-26 17:57:02

The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial serves as a community mobilization campaign to raise social awareness about HIV and AIDS. The International AIDs Candlelight Memorial is an important platform for intervention for global solidarity to break down barriers of stigma and discrimination. Thus, giving hope to the new generations.

What are HIV and AIDS?

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a virus that damages the immune system or impairs its function. HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids.

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease that can develop in people with HIV. It’s the most advanced stage of HIV. 


What causes HIV?

HIV is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) which is spread by contact during sex, sharing needles, blood transfusion or mother to child during pregnancy, child birth or breast-feeding.

The fact is around 35 million people have died from AIDS since the start of the epidemic and there are around 37 million people living with HIV/ AIDS presently.

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Why is there stigma and How to overcome it?

HIV stigma refers to irrational or negative attitudes, behaviors, and judgments towards people living with or at risk of HIV. You can play an important role in reducing stigma and discrimination by offering support and speaking out to correct myths and stereotypes about HIV that you hear from others.

International AIDS Candlelight Memorial

The International AIDS Candlelight Memorial serves as a community mobilization campaign to raise social awareness about HIV and AIDS. The International AIDs Candlelight Memorial is an important platform for intervention for global solidarity to break down barriers of stigma and discrimination. Thus, giving hope to the new generations.

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It also provides the opportunity to commemorate the people who have passed on because of AIDS. The memorial aims at mobilizing communities so that people living with HIV can live with dignity. The memorial is guided by the values of dignity, integrity and transparency.

The Candlelight Memorial began in 1983 when HIV and how it was transmitted was still in the discovery stage. Four young men who were infected with HIV decided to put a’ face on the disease’ by coordinating a small vigil with the banner reading ‘Fighting for Our Lives’. They planned a march through San Francisco gay district and was joined by others.

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For many people, community mobilization for the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial starts on World AIDS Day on December 1. The community mobilization lasts until International AIDS Candlelight Memorial on the third Sunday of May. 

The Memorials range from small community vigils to multi-day national commemorations. Organizers of the memorials use the International AIDS Candlelight Memorial as an opportunity to promote local HIV services, advocate for the advancement of public policy towards AIDS and to encourage education and community dialogue.

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The Memorials include candle lighting, marches, speeches, performances as well as spiritual and cultural rituals.

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