Isra and Mi'raj

2021-03-04 19:05:59

Isra and Mi'raj is observed on the 27th day of the month of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. Based on Islamic belief, the event marks Prophet Muhammad SAW’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven, in the year 620/621M.

Isra and Mi'raj is observed on the 27th day of the month of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. Based on Islamic belief, the event marks Prophet Muhammad SAW’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to heaven, in the year 620/621M.

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Isra and Mi'raj took place during a time when the Prophet Muhammad SAW was facing intense hardship and pain. The Quraysh, who were his tribe and his family, constantly ridiculed, humiliated and oppressed the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his followers. Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad SAW had just faced the Year of Sorrow, during which he lost his beloved wife Khadijah and his uncle Abu Talib, who was his protector and ally.

Isra and Mi'raj is also known as The Prophet's Ascension, Ascension to Heaven or the Night Journey.

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Isra and Mi’raj are two parts of a Night Journey that Prophet Muhammad SAW took during a single night. It was a physical and spiritual journey. This took place more than a year before Prophet Muhammad SAW migrated from Mecca to Medina.

Mi’raj is a journey of Prophet Muhammad SAW to Sidratul Muntaha, at which he received the command of Allah SWT to perform prayers during the day and night. Initially, the call for prayers was set to as many as 50 times per day, however, the Prophet solicited the order to be reduced to five times a day as it is today.

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The Night Journey started with the appearance of the angel Gabriel who took Prophet Muhammad SAW to Jerusalem on a winged horse called Buraq. The Buraq is a winged mythical creature and described as “a steed smaller than a mule but larger than a donkey with wings on its sides”.

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Then Gabriel carried Prophet Muhammad SAW to heaven, ascending through the seven heavenly realms until he reached paradise where he spoke to Allah SWT. Allah SWT told Prophet Muhammad SAW the importance of prayers.

The five daily prayers form a key pillar of Islam and the Muslims believe these prayers connect them to Allah SWT.
