Articles in Pahang

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Recipes - Satay
Recipe for an Indonesian and Malaysian dish consisting of small pieces of meat (chicken or beef) gri...
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Festivals of Malaysia - Renri
Renri is considered as everybody’s birthday.
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Festivals of Malaysia - Winter Solstice Festival
During Winter Solstice, the most essential and popular food is dumplings, especially in northern Chi...
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Festivals of Malaysia- Thaipusam
Devotees who observe this great day of penance, spiritually cleanse themselves by undergoing a month...
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Festivals of Malaysia - Songkran
Songkran is the Thai New Year.  It falls on April 13 every year but the celebration lasts until Apr...
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Festivals of Malaysia - Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday
Muslims throughout Malaysia commemorate the birth of the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad.
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Festivals of Malaysia - Keamatan
Pesta Keamatan is a harvest festival celebrated annually in the state of Sabah in Malaysia. It is ce...
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Festivals of Malaysia - Nuzul Al-Quran
It is the most significant event in the history of Islam as on this day, Allah revealed His final re...
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